How to Write Sales Pages That Convert and Boost Your Sales

You're no stranger to writing sales page. But how do you know if your sales page is actually optimized to convert? There aren't any secrets, really. But there are a few necessary aspects to consider.

Understand Your Target Audience

To write a sales page that resonates with your audience, you need to understand who they are and what they want. Put yourself in their shoes and ask yourself:

  • What are their pain points?
  • What solutions are they seeking?
  • What language do they use?

By speaking their language and addressing their specific needs, you'll build an instant connection with your audience.

Before sitting down to write your sales page, I highly recommend setting aside a bit of time to map these things out. Don't just rely on your gut or instinct - do your research! Take a look in Facebook groups, Instagram comments, Reddit threads, Amazon reviews - anywhere your ideal client is talking about the problem you solve with your offer - and make note of the exact words they're using to describe their issues. We created an entire blog post on how to craft an ideal client avatar if you're wanting to dive in deeper.

Highlight the Benefits, Not Just the Features

The potential clients on your sales page are always thinking: 'is this worth it for me?'

Don't just list the features of your product or service; highlight the benefits they'll gain. Will it save them time? Make their lives easier? Help them achieve their goals? Paint a vivid picture of how your offer will improve their lives and make them eager to take action.

It's crucial for potential buyers to understand not just what they're getting, but why it matters. Instead of presenting a mere ingredient list of your offer, ensure every feature is linked to a tangible benefit for the buyer. Ask yourself, "So what?" For example, if your offer includes monthly group coaching calls, explain the significance. What's the point? Why should this matter to a potential buyer? It's important to spell out the value behind each feature, making it clear how it serves their needs or solves their problems.

Create a Sense of Urgency

Human beings have an innate fear of missing out. While we never want to abuse this or manipulate someone into making a decision they aren't in fact ready to make, we can use urgency within our sales messaging to encourage our ideal clients to make an informed buying decision NOW - not later.

Some offers will have intrinsic urgency. For example, maybe your product solves a fairly urgent problem. For example, my website copywriting course tends to sell without a lot of manufactured urgency simply because people find it when they really need to write/update their website copy.

Alternatively, you can manufacture urgency with limited-time offers, exclusive bonuses, or other incentives that encourage your readers to act now.

Craft an Irresistible Offer

In order for your sales page copy to convert, your offer has to be good. It should be so compelling that your readers simply can't resist. Make sure it's clear, concise, and includes:

  • The main product or service.
  • Any additional bonuses or add-ons.
  • A strong guarantee or risk reversal.

Make it hard for your readers to say no by presenting an offer they won't want to pass up - and be sure your messaging is centered around why it's so amazing.

Use Social Proof to Build Trust

People trust what others have to say more than they trust you. That's why social proof is crucial for building trust and credibility. Include testimonials and case studies to show potential buyers that your product or service delivers on its promises.

Overcome Objections

Your readers may have doubts or concerns about purchasing your product or service. Anticipate these objections and address them head-on in your sales page. Show empathy and provide clear answers to common questions or concerns to alleviate any doubts and build trust. Here's an example of how you can squash the time objection.

Sales Page Slumber Party

Do you want to learn how to write a sales page that sells for you, even when you sleep? Join the Sales Page Slumber Party. Together, we’ll help you write a high-converting sales page for your online business, whether you're:

  • Launching a NEW offer soon—a course, a coaching package, a done-for-you service, a low-ticket offer, membership, whatever!
  • Creating or optimizing an evergreen funnel
  • Selling an evergreen offer (sans funnel) with a sales page

Ready to create a sales page that works for you? Let’s do this!

Looking for more copy tips?

If you’re wanting to improve your copy to book more clients, check out more tips below!

6 Effective Sales Page Templates: Why Generic Doesn’t Cut It >

Sales Page Structure Secrets: A Guide for More Conversions >

What is a sales page (and how to write a good one) >

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About the Writer

Megan Taylor is a copywriter, messaging expert, and founder of The Copy Template Shop. Since 2016, she’s helped hundreds of online entrepreneurs find the right words to authentically connect with their dream clients, so they can build a thriving business that allows them to stand out, serve, and sell with ease.

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How to Write Sales Pages That Convert and Boost Your Sales