What is a sales page? (And how to write a good one)

So you're selling a course, digital product, or online service and everyone is telling you that you need a sales page. But what is a sales page anyway, and do you really need one? This blog breaks down that exact question.

What is a Sales Page?

A sales page is a dedicated page on your website with the specific goal of selling your offer. Think of it as your personal virtual salesperson that can talk about and sell your offer 24/7. When done well, a sales page is a persuasive piece of content that grabs your reader's attention, connects with your ideal buyers, builds trust, and ultimately convinces them to invest in your offer (if it's going to be a good fit for them).

The Importance of a Sales Page

You might be wondering, do I really need a sales page? Can't I just rely on social media posts and emails to sell my offer? Sure, you could. There's no one perfect way to run your business. But having a sales page—especially a well-written one—makes selling your offers a heck of a lot easier. Here’s why we recommend a sales page:

  • Connect With Your Audience: Your page allows you to capture your audience's attention and keep them engaged from start to finish. It’s like having a one-on-one conversation with each potential customer. A good sales page should feel engaging and conversational, not like a drawn-out sales pitch.
  • Highlight Your Unique Selling Points: Unlike social media posts or emails, a sales page gives you the space and freedom to showcase all the reasons why your product or service is worth investing in. When combined with the right messaging, it can be the most powerful sales tool you have.
  • Build Trust: A well-crafted page builds credibility and trust with your audience. By addressing their pain points, presenting your offer as the ultimate solution, and sharing your expertise. Establish yourself as an expert in your field.
  • Increase Conversions: Ultimately, a sales page is all about getting those conversions. It guides your readers through a carefully crafted journey that leads them to take action and become paying customers.

Elements of an Effective Sales Page

Convinced that you need a sales page? Awesome. You’re probably wondering what needs to go on it. We have an entire post about sales page structure that we recommend checking out, but here are the six things every sales page should have:

  • Attention-Grabbing Headline: Your headline should be catchy, captivating, and make your readers want to keep scrolling. It’s like the opening act of a concert—it needs to grab attention and set the stage for what’s to come. It should also help potential clients quickly know whether or not they're in the right place.
  • Sections that Support the Buyer Journey: If you walked into a shop and someone immediately started selling to you, you'd be turned off. The same goes for your sales page. Think about the buyer journey unique to your offer and make sure your structure supports it. How can you connect with where they are right now? What obstacles have been getting in their way of doing the thing they need solved?
  • Clear and Compelling Offer: Clearly communicate what you’re offering and why it’s valuable. Use bullet points or bolded text to highlight the key benefits and features.
  • Social Proof: Including testimonials can help build trust and credibility.
  • Call-to-Action (CTA): Don't forget the most important part—telling your readers what to do next! Your CTA should be clear, concise, and encourage immediate action.
  • Visual Appeal: While I will always argue that copy is the most important part of your sales page, it also needs to be visually appealing if you want it to convert. Make sure to keep things clean and organized, with clearly-laid-out sections. Use mockups to show people what they’re actually getting when they buy. And think about how you can break up the content so it’s easy to read.

Sales Page Slumber Party

Do you want to learn how to write a sales page that sells for you, even when you sleep? Join the Sales Page Slumber Party. Together, we’ll help you write a high-converting sales page for your online business, whether you're:

  • Launching a NEW offer soon—a course, a coaching package, a done-for-you service, a low-ticket offer, membership, whatever!
  • Creating or optimizing an evergreen funnel
  • Selling an evergreen offer (sans funnel) with a sales page

Ready to create a sales page that works for you? Let’s do this!

Looking for more copy tips?

If you’re wanting to improve your copy to book more clients, check out more tips below!

6 Effective Sales Page Templates: Why Generic Doesn’t Cut It >

Sales Page Structure Secrets: A Guide for More Conversions >

Sales Page in a Day: Tips for Writing a Conversion-Driven Page >

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About the Writer

Megan Taylor is a copywriter, messaging expert, and founder of The Copy Template Shop. Since 2016, she’s helped hundreds of online entrepreneurs find the right words to authentically connect with their dream clients, so they can build a thriving business that allows them to stand out, serve, and sell with ease.

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what is a sales page and how to write a good one