Turn Browsers into Buyers: Perfecting the Core Offer Section of Your Sales Page 

In today’s post, we’ll explore a sales page section that’s frequently overlooked during the copywriting process: the section where you present your offer and its specific features. 

When I use the term “offer”, I’m referring to whatever it is that you’re selling — though keep in mind that there is a lot more that goes into an actual offer, such as the messaging and positioning you use to sell it.

I often see people neglect this feature section of their sales page, usually because it’s considered to be the “easiest” part of the sales page copywriting process. But if this section of your sales page isn’t done correctly, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to make more sales and effectively communicate why your reader needs your offer. 

Let’s explore why the feature section is so important, and how you can use it to properly communicate your offer with your reader.

What happens when you overlook your offer copy

Ignoring the offer presentation piece of your sales page is a little bit like throwing a party and forgetting to send out the invitations. Imagine pouring all of that hard work into creating an amazing service, membership or course… only for it to sit unnoticed (and unbought) because your offer copy didn’t do it justice. 

When you overlook this crucial part of your sales page, a few things can happen.

1) Potential customers might not understand the solution you’re offering

Of course, we want our buyers to care about the transformation. At the end of the day, the results they get are the most important part of your offer. However, it’s also important that your buyers understand the necessary work to achieve that transformation.

If you don’t do a good job of explaining the tangible aspects of your offer, you’re failing to communicate the expectations. This could lead to you having a large number of buyers who might be unwilling to do what is needed to get to the transformation — simply because they weren’t aware of the work involved. 

This is all a byproduct of you not being clear about the work they need to do to get there. We can’t just simply sell to people based solely on the transformation. We need to be transparent about the work and effort involved to achieve this transformation.

2) They may feel confused or unsure about the benefits.

Yes, people want to know what’s actually included in your offer. And there is a huge group of people that need to know exactly what your offer entails and the process to get to the desired transformation before they’ll click “buy.”

But there’s also a group of people that needs to understand the why behind those features. When you fail to communicate what’s in it for them and/or why your specific offer is the best possible solution, they could easily go and find the exact same features somewhere else. 

And, because I know you’re thinking it, this doesn’t always have to do with the price of your offer. Regardless of what we’re selling and how much it costs, there’s people in the audience who want to compare what they’re getting and the value of that to the price they’re paying. Be sure to give them enough information so they can weigh that decision.

How NOT to approach the features of your offer

Most of the time when we sit down to write our sales page, we already have a clear understanding of what our offer is and the specific features it includes. This can make us think that presenting the offer will be a simple process. 

But while the features section of your sales page can be the easiest one to write, you shouldn’t just list out all of the features your offer has without going into detail.

Your offer presentation shouldn’t be like an ingredients list. If it is, you’re doing yourself a huge disservice. Instead, we want to communicate all of the love and effort that you’ve put into creating your offer! Your reader should know these details.

When you just list out the features without going in-depth, this doesn’t give them any indication of how the offer will deliver the transformation they’re looking for. This is when your sales pitch will fall flat.

Show your reader what’s in it for them

Now, the fun part! When someone lands on your sales page, they're naturally thinking, “What's in it for me?” This is why we need to include copy that shows them exactly how your offer (and each of its features) will benefit them.

Help them see that your offer has created the solution to their problem by highlighting the benefits of each feature. For example, instead of just saying “you get 10 video tutorials”, explain that they get “10 easy-to-understand video tutorials that will take you from tech overwhelm to podcast editing whiz in no time!”

Be sure to use vivid language that helps them actually visualize the transformation they’re about to experience with your offer. Remember: people buy with their emotions and justify with logic. Don’t be afraid to tug at those heartstrings!

Don’t forget to make it visual

Last but certainly not least, don’t forget about the more visual folks in your audience. Including visuals on your sales page not only makes your offer pop and keeps readers engaged, but it also gives the reader a clear sense of exactly what they’re buying. 

Consider including:

  • Mockup images that clearly show what the buyer is getting — whether it's digital downloads, physical products, or access portals
  • Infographics, especially if you’re trying to summarize key points or complex information in an easy-to-digest way
  • Videos, such as a short walkthrough video of the course portal, a demo video of your software, or even a video testimonial

And while we’re talking visuals — don’t forget about formatting! Be sure to use bold text for the pieces you want to emphasize, use bullet points for each reading (especially when describing course modules), and leave plenty of white space so it doesn’t look like a wall of text.

Crafting a compelling offer section on your sales page isn’t just about listing features; it’s about showcasing the value, benefits, and transformation your offer provides. By clearly presenting what’s in it for your potential buyers, and adding engaging visuals and detailed explanations, you’re not only grabbing their attention but also guiding them toward making an informed decision. With the right offer copy, you can turn readers into loyal customers who are excited to invest in what you’re selling.

Sales Page Slumber Party

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Sales Page Slumber Party is a 5 day on-demand bootcamp where you’ll write clear, persuasive sales page copy that connects with your ideal buyersconveys the incredible value of your offers, and brings in sales while you dream up your next big move.

Looking for more copy tips?

If you’re wanting to improve your copy to book more clients, check out more tips below!

6 Effective Sales Page Templates: Why Generic Doesn’t Cut It >

Sales Page Structure Secrets: A Guide for More Conversions >

What is a sales page (and how to write a good one) >

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About the Writer

Megan Taylor is a copywriter, messaging expert, and founder of The Copy Template Shop. Since 2016, she’s helped hundreds of online entrepreneurs find the right words to authentically connect with their dream clients, so they can build a thriving business that allows them to stand out, serve, and sell with ease.

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Turn Browsers into Buyers: Perfecting the Core Offer Section of Your Sales Page