sales page template for done-for-you services by the copy template shop shown on a tablet

The Done-For-You Service Sales Page Copy Template

(1 customer review)

Infuse the sales page for your done-for-you service with persuasive power and compelling positioning that draws in better-fit clients and sparks action.


All prices in USD.

About this template

Selling a totally done-for-you service isn’t the same as selling an online course — so why use a standard sales page template to do it? This particular copy template has been specifically brewed for online service providers who want to attract and secure better-fit clients for their projects — whether it’s a one-off gig, a retainer, or something in-between.

Whether you’re unveiling a totally new offer or want to convert more, better-fit clients for your existing service, this template helps you convey the distinct flavor of working with YOU — not just anyone who can do what you do — so more of the right people inquire.

What's Included


Service Sales Page Template

An easy-to-use, fill-in-the-blanks template for brewing a rich, full-bodied sales page that showcases your unique value and the impact your work delivers.


Outline Document

Hard to see the final brew from the beans? Plug your freshly written copy into this outline to see exactly how it’ll appear on the page.


Short Video Walkthrough

A concise, to-the-point video (your time is valuable, after all), showing you exactly how to use your new template.


Messaging Manager

Prep your key selling points and understand your audience before writing, for a smoother, more effective writing process.


Conversion Café

As a shop buyer, you're invited to our private Facebook group where you can ask questions, get messaging + market research feedback, and just pour out your random business-related musings.

The Reviews

(1 customer review)
This template made it soooo easy to create my sales page! Copywriting takes me forever, and I'm not very good at it. Having a step-by-step framework I could follow and suggestions for headlines, what to include in each section, etc. made the process so much more bearable. I would normally procrastinate and struggle through creating an outline, writing the copy, and publishing a sales page that I felt was mediocre. But with this template, I finished the entire thing -- wrote, designed, and published a sales page for my new offer -- in a day. And I feel confident about the end result! So grateful for this resource.
— Megan Robinson

Why you need it

When dozens (hundreds? thousands?) of other service providers do the same work as you, standing out is crucial. And like a perfectly-brewed cappuccino served on the banks of Lake Como, the sales page for your service needs to leave a lasting impression. 

Our Done-for-You Services Sales Page Template helps you craft a persuasive, compelling page that clearly answers, “Why you?”. It helps you focus on the unique flavors of your offer, making you the go-to choice for the right clients. If you want to leave them saying “YES, this is the person I’ve been looking for!” — this is the template for you.

No-Brainer Investment

Make it crystal clear what your clients are getting from their investment, both in terms of deliverables and the impact they have.

Your Secret Sauce

Emphasize what makes you different from other service providers, attracting ideal clients who value your expertise and unique blend.

Show, Don’t (Just) Tell

Showcase just how darn good you are at what you do, with strategically chosen and placed social proof.

Convert Clients, Your Way

Whether your clients book sales calls, fill out a contact form, or pay directly, this template supports your preferred way of closing clients.

What Makes Our Templates Different

Options on Options

We love cookies, not cookie-cutter solutions. Our templates give you plenty of options for each headline, CTA, and everything in-between, so no two pages ever sound the same.

More than just prompts

Prompts like “talk about pain point here” aren’t exactly helpful. Our Mad-Libs style templates leave you with full sentences, not another writer's-block-induced headache.

Strategy-led, always

Our situation-specific templates strategically support your reader’s decision-making process, so they feel informed (and excited to type in their credit card details).


Resources created by a copywriter actively in the digital trenches, who stays on top of industry trends and today’s conversion strategies (not what worked years ago).

Ready to brew a sales page as unique and potent as your services?

Let our sales page template guide you in crafting a blend of messaging and copy that elevates your offer, enchants future clients, and inspires action.


sales page template for done-for-you services by the copy template shop shown on a tablet