Mockup of case study template on tablet and accompanying training on laptop screen

Buzzworthy Case Studies

(4 customer reviews)

Your secret ingredient to writing engaging, “I-can’t-wait-to-hire-this-person”-worthy case studies without needing to interview past clients.


All prices in USD.

About this template

If you want to brew up potent social proof for your done-for-you services, consultations, coaching programs and more without bugging your clients for a spot on their already-packed calendar, then this toolkit is your new best friend. 

Distilled from a professional copywriter’s exact system for writing compelling, persuasive, story-focused case studies, these case study templates and short training make writing your next case study feel as effortless as hitting the lungo button on your Nespresso machine, while still ensuring a rich aroma of authenticity and impact.

What's Included


30-Minute Info Gathering & Organization Training

Your guide to extracting the most insightful gems from your past projects using the rich bank of resources already at your fingertips.


Short-Form Case Study Template

Like an espresso shot for your sales, this template helps you craft a concise but strong case study that’s perfect for your sales page or services page.


Long-Form Case Study Template

For a more full-bodied narrative, this template is perfect for writing case studies for your portfolio, blog posts, or anywhere you can go more in-depth.


Case Study Outline Document

For my more visual learners, this document provides a clear structure for your new copy, acting as a blueprint for how the final case study will look.


How-To Video Training (5 mins)

A short instructional video that makes using your new templates and outline document smooth and simple.


Question List

A suggested list of questions you can use to automatically gather end-of-project feedback for richer, deeper future case studies.


Conversion Café

As a shop buyer, you're invited to our private Facebook group where you can ask questions, get messaging + market research feedback, and just pour out your random business-related musings.

The Reviews

(4 customer reviews)
This is one of those things you think you can totally do yourself, but looking at a blank page I realized I had no idea how to be strategic about sharing the work I do. This template is simple but powerful, and give you two options (long and short) which I found super helpful as well.
— Micaela
Simple, straightforward, and easy to follow. Saved me hours of research and outlining!
— Megan Robinson
Megan just has a way with words that really make sense! Not just her immaculate copywriting but the way she explains things is so simple and clear and clarifying. I knew that case studies were important but hadn't given as much thought about how to actually gather and structure them to get the most impact from sharing these stories. Wow do I feel like my eyes are open now! Case studies are the un-sung heroes our businesses all need! If you work with clients in any way shape or form, you'll definitely want to watch this masterclass in sharing their stories to help you book more clients.
— Michelle Pontvert
Mind blown by how thought-out and truly actionable this template + course was! No fluff, which is so rare these days!
— Olivia L.

Why you need it

It’s no secret that case studies offer any online business owner an effective way to stand out. A strong, well-crafted case study can help you attract more perfect-fit clients for your offers by giving a taste of the ‘secret recipe’ behind your solutions and the results they generate for clients.

The catch? Most of us don’t have the time (or desire) to interview our clients for an hour or more just to get the info we need. Buzzworthy Case Studies gives you a less intrusive way to gather client information and create a streamlined case study workflow, so you can get back to the work you actually like to do.

Save Time

Just like the cold brew you stuck in the fridge overnight, it saves you significant time by eliminating client interviews.


I’ll introduce you to systems you can easily automate to collect better client feedback, making future case study writing a total breeze.

Attract Clients

Draw in more perfect-fit clients through effective and powerful social proof.

Easy To Use

With clear instructions and easy-to-use templates, crafting compelling case studies has never been easier.

What Makes Our Templates Different

Options on Options

We love cookies, not cookie-cutter solutions. Our templates give you plenty of options for each headline, CTA, and everything in-between, so no two pages ever sound the same.

More than just prompts

Prompts like “talk about pain point here” aren’t exactly helpful. Our Mad-Libs style templates leave you with full sentences, not another writer's-block-induced headache.

Strategy-led, always

Our situation-specific templates strategically support your reader’s decision-making process, so they feel informed (and excited to type in their credit card details).


Resources created by a copywriter actively in the digital trenches, who stays on top of industry trends and today’s conversion strategies (not what worked years ago).

Ready for WOW-worthy social proof?

Get your hands on these case study templates + short training today and start crafting compelling case studies that make perfect-fit clients want to cozy up and stay awhile.


Mockup of case study template on tablet and accompanying training on laptop screen

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